Thanks for reading and supporting! I really appreciate it as a new writer!
Yeah, I understand what you mean. So many pop self-help books are just a waste of money. Nevertheless, I never seem to run out of things to read due to the various recommendations.
I noticed you go for a lot of psychology and biases. Farnam Street would be a great place to increase your depth of knowledge as I think they are the leading blog in that area.
And if you ever want to diversify into other areas, (which I highly recommend), here are some of my recommendations.
Spiritually (Not religiously)
The later parts of the book were a bit too far for me to accept yet but the first part changed my life. It deals with the voice inside your head, the one that keeps yelling and screaming. After understanding it, my meditation practice improved by leaps and bounds. Check it out to understand part of yourself.
2. The Inner Game of Tennis by Timothy Gallwey
This book deals with almost the same topic, the voice in your head… but through the lens of a tennis coach. A shorter and more digestible read than Untethered Soul.
A lot of my stress comes from fear, so I researched on it and found Jamal Yogis. He brings the reader on his journey to overcome fear, whether it be rejection from love or surfing monster waves. You come out understanding what fear is and how to deal with it. This is an easy read and I would out it in my read fast category.
2. The Rhythm of Life by Matthew Kelly
This dives deep into the meaning of life and questioning oneself. Comparing the current issue causing you stress to the rest of your life makes it suddenly seem so insignificant. I used it to overcome stress problems but another reader searching for a different answer will gain another meaning from this book. Aren't those the best kinds of books?
6 Key points of persuasion techniques used most commonly by marketers and people in life. Just being aware of them help.
Tim Ferris has really interesting concepts due to his experimentation nature. You see a lot of things in life different after reading the 4 hour work week like outsourcing and passive income. I don’t agree with some parts but the concepts are still worth pondering just because they are interesting.
2. The book of 5 Rings by Miyamoto Musashi
This is an ancient book written by one of the best samurai which is translated. At first glance, it seemed to me like a martial arts book. However, there is something much much deeper behind those simple words. Currently still pondering on it as the meanings seem to change based on the questions I have at the time I read it.
3. Mastermind by Maria Konnkova
A book entirely about the thought patterns of Sherlock Holmes. It unravels the mystery surrounding Holmes amazing deduction powers. It turns out he was very much human. Just a very discipline one with a very extraordinary thinking pattern.
I read Thinking Fast and Slow and Flow already. You do have good taste. Unfortunately, I get bored with one area very easily and will bounce topics with my reading hence the random jumble of books I recommend.
Anyways, thanks for the recommendations! Some of them caught my eye and will definitely try them soon.
Rock on!