Do you know that your heart is beating right now at this very moment?
Of course you do. If it wasn’t beating, you wouldn’t be reading this. Heck, you wouldn’t be existing if it wasn’t beating.
But, are you aware?
Are you aware of your beating heart?
Is it a ba-dum ba-dum? Or a boom boom boom?
As human beings, we know a lot. We know, for instance that gravity keeps our feet to the ground. We know that we have to apologize when we make someone angry. We know we have to say thank you when accepting something.
But are we aware?
Are we aware of the gravity? Pressing down on our bodies. How long have you not felt the weight of your own body when you stand? The feeling of slight pressure at the soles of your feet?
Are we aware of the hurt feelings of the person we apologize too? Can you feel their pain? Do you understand why they are hurt? Why they are crying?
Are we aware of our own gratitude? When we receive something, when we say thank you. Is the thank you merely words? Or is it filled with emotion? Do we mean it when we say it?
So many of us go through our daily lives like clockwork. Each day is identical to the day before. We become used to it. The unpleasant feeling of dragging ourselves out of bed. Checking our social media each morning mindlessly. The dull, gray, daily commute.
We lost it. Our self. Our awareness that we are alive. We merely become gears in the wheel of life, turning over and over again. We become so absorbed in maintaining life, in turning the gears, that we forget to really live
When was the last time you really breathed? What does the air smell like? Were you aware of your lungs expending?
What about food? When was the last time you tasted something. Really tasted, not eating mechanically to sustain life. Can you taste the sweetness? Saltiness? Or is it spicy? To what degree?
Did you snapped at a friend? Gotten angry at a family member? Became irritated by strangers? Are you aware what caused it? And not because of their actions or words. Be fully aware of yourself, of what you were thinking that lead to such an emotion or reaction. For oftentimes, life is much deeper then what it appears on the surface. And only by being aware can we start to guide our lives in the way we want it to be.
Self awareness in life is vital. Awareness that we are alive, awareness of what we are thinking, awareness of what we are feeling. The person you are, reading this right now, what do you feel? And why? Those are the questions that need to be asked over and over again.
Go out fellow human, and be aware. Aware that the world, in all its beauty and ugliness, its order and chaos, exist for you to comprehend.
So, are you aware now, of your beating heart?